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You're viewing AirForce Delta Storm Cheat Codes

Game Name : AirForce Delta Storm
System : Xbox
Date Added : 2008-02-29 14:21:58
Views : 51670

Recommended fighter jets to win the first time around
Use the F-14, F15C, F-18, F-22, BlackWidow, Funeral (end).

Spy Planes and Bombers
In order to catch up to the red planes on the map (before you take flight), you must select the best plane with range. The higher the range, the faster you catch them. This is the only way to catch these red planes (Bombers or Spy). Otherwise, you will fly in circles trying to catch them.

Easier kills
Always target the yellow section of a battleship, carrier, or any other type of target. Forget the turrets, as they explode once the yellow section is hit by your missiles or machine guns. You do not have time or missiles to try to get each target for more points.

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